Creme fraiche and finely chopped shallots and chives
Parsley-emulsion and watercress
whipped butter
Hand peeled shrimps, fennel salad and dill, fresh herbs and tomato oil.
Chicken confit, crispy bacon and Ceasar dressing. Grated thybo cheese and parsley-emulsion
Tarragon, shallots and homemade tartare sauce. Jerusalem artichoke chips and pickles shallots
Roasted sunflower seeds, cauliflower cream and watercress. Sauce vierge
Fried flounder, hand peeled shrimp and homemade dressing. White asparagus, cucumber, tomato and homemade bread
Cheddar, crispy bacon and pickled cucumber. Tomato confit, chili emulsion and BBQ sauce
Homemade dressings, pickled cucumber and 2 types of onion. Pickled beetroot and loads of homemade gravy
With chili mayo
Pickled rhubarb and caramelized chocolate
Kom og besøg vores helårsrestaurant i Frederikshavn ud mod den flotte havn, hvor naturen viser sig fra sin bedste side. Vi har tastingmenuer, byens bedste burgere og friske fisk og skalddyr.
CVR: 39572621
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